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Monday, May 18, 2015

Cure Click - Importance of Treating High Cholesterol and Finding Candidates

As I mentioned in a previous post on my blog, this is a site that I am recently interested in as a "Cure Click Ambassador", and in promoting their trial for people with high cholesterol and risk factors for heart disease.  Cholesterol is a GOOD thing when at proper levels, as it helps produce hormones, build new cells and insulate nerves. It is important to treat your HIGH cholesterol as it can lead to heart disease.  As cited on Webmd,  TOO MUCH cholesterol causes build up in your artery walls and can cause atherosclerosis which is a form of heart disease.  If your blood supply becomes cut off because of this massive build up, you may suffer a heart attack.  There is "good" and "bad" cholesterol, (just like good and bad people ... who do you choose to have in YOUR life??), so you need to have your cholesterol levels checked to determine these levels.  There is nothing sophisticated to it.  A lipoprotein profile, or blood test can take care of it. "The National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) recommends that adults aged 20 years or older have their cholesterol checked every 5 years."

A few of the factors that can help lower your cholesterol is to stay at an optimum weight, don't smoke or STOP smoking, eat a low-fat diet and getting your recommended amount of daily/weekly exercise.

In addition, it is extremely important to find candidates to participate in clinical trials so that we may discover and share knowledge about high cholesterol, the importance of reducing high cholesterol and furthering the knowledge of how it impacts our health and our longevity, and overall quality of life.  It is imperative that candidates are found to participate in clinical trials, as there is a huge lack of awareness about clinical trials and quite often, "The biggest barrier in recruitment  is the lack of encouragement or support from the attending physician", according to "Forbes Business. Many physicians simply are unaware of clinical trials that might benefit their patient.  And, "Many patients also don’t understand that, if there is a standard treatment available, they will not get a placebo".

As a result of these, and other factors, many times the minimum amount of participants can not even be reached and clinical trials fail at a huge cost.

cureclick, high cholesterol, clinical trial
Be a CureClick Ambassador

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Cure Click - High Cholesterol and Risk Factors for Heart Disease

Ok, this is a little different than my usual product review! This is a site that I have become familiar with and find very relevant to my life. I am a Cure Click Trial Ambassador and to find out more about how YOU can become a Cure Click Trial Ambassador too, just click here.  I am participating right now in a pilot program for people with High Cholesterol and Risk Factors for Heart Disease. This is pretty personal to me for a couple of reasons, at least.  My father died of heart disease which runs in my family and high cholesterol is prevalent in our family as well.  We can ALL make a difference if we just get involved in our lives and our health.

PLEASE get involved in your life and at least CLICK to find out more, and help ME out as I participate in this pilot program as well by CLICKING for a cure!

#HighCholesterol #HeartDisease #HeartHealth #Stroke #ClinicalTrials #ClinicalTrial #FindaCure #CureClick