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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

InkJoy Pens - Review

I received this these Inkjoy Pens for FREE for a product review for  I was expecting a small package of probably two or three, but instead, it was a package of eight multi-colored pens!  I was thrilled at the variety of colors, first of all.  Then, when I tried a couple of them out, I loved the way that they felt in my hand.  I'm funny when it comes to the pen that I use.  It has to have a certain feel in my hand, and these pens passed the test 100%!  Not only did I get the pens free, I received a $5.00 Wal-Mart gift certificate as well so that I could buy some more!  And I did.  This is a quality product, and I'm over-joyed to be receiving my first item from for review!
